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"Omah Ijo" becomes a Basic Student Leadership Training Center

Yogyakarta, (14-15/09/2019) – Department of Student Resources and Development (SRD) Office Administration Education Student Association has held a Basic Leadership Training (LDK) and Makrab event in the Gazebo of the Faculty of Economics, UNY and then continued at Omah Ijo Pak Dwi Bantul . The event which aims to improve the leadership spirit and organizational spirit of Office Administration Education students carries the theme Build You Leadership to Develop Your Technopreneur Skills. This event was wrapped in the form of sharing sessions, Forum Discussion Groups (FGD) and group games.
LDK was opened by a speech from Happy Widyastuti as the head of the LDK committee, then followed by a sharing session by Andi Nawi S.Pd and then continued with the FGD presentation. After the discussion was over, LDK participants departed for Omah Ijo Pak Dwi Bantul by bus.
Arriving at Omah Ijo, participants were immediately directed to the hall to take part in the lecturers' workshop which was attended by Prof. Dr. Muhyadi, Dr. Sutirman, S.Pd., M.Pd., Wahyu Rusdiyanto, S.Pd., M.M., and Suhartanto, M. A. Each of the lecturers introduced themselves and shared their experiences while participating in the organization. Participants were very enthusiastic in listening to the experiences of each lecturer.
After ISHOMA, the event continued with the introduction of the HIMA PADP organization. Each HIMA department came forward and introduced themselves. After the introduction from HIMA, it was followed by the performance of the pensi from each group of LDK participants. The feeling of togetherness and kinship between the participants and the committee grew warmer when the bonfire was lit. Participants and organizers join hands and sing songs together.
The next day the LDK participants were gathered in the field for morning exercise, then breakfast. After breakfast, continued with group games. Participants are divided into 6 groups and must follow a series of games which are divided into 4 posts. Each post has its own essence such as cooperation, speed, mutual trust and leadership. Hopefully with the LDK can make students realize the importance of leadership and organization spirit in undergoing lectures.
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